5 Steps to Becoming a STEAM City Kid
5 Steps to Becoming a STEAM City Kid
1. Learn about the science of solar energy and the field of engineering.
2. Research new solar powered inventions and solar energy companies that are creating jobs.
3. Conduct solar power experiments and engineering projects at home and/or in school.
4. Create your own opinions, ideas and inventions.
5. Write about it with your teacher’s help, and we’ll publish your work online!
There are so many ways we can use the energy from the sun to power different things on earth. There are engineers and inventors coming up with innovative ways to use solar power. As you will read below, we can use something as simple as a plastic bottle to light up a room. There are also high-tech creations that use the sun’s energy.
Learn about the science of light, heat and energy. Play around with electronics and computers. Maybe you will design something that will run on solar power! As you research and learn, choose an idea or current event that interests you. Then, write your own article, create a project, design artwork or develop a video about climate change. Work with your teacher in class, and send it to us. Then, we will publish your work online! YOU are smart, creative and you have the power to inspire other kids and even adults!!

You can start learning about solar energy by reading the information below on this page and watching the videos. Once you are finished with your research, CLICK HERE to check out our list of writing and project examples. As you are reading our list of suggestions, you may come up with an idea of your own!
All solar power themed student writing & projects must be submitted on or before Friday, December 22nd. Email us at write@STEAMCityKids.org
Solar Energy
Do you remember the last time you were in the car at a gas station? A family member was filling the car’s tank up with oil… and it was really smelly. The oil is a fossil fuel that powers the car. Unfortunately, as the car burns the oil, carbon dioxide (CO2) is released into the air. CLICK HERE to learn about the harmful effects of CO2 in our atmosphere.)
Solar power is another kind of power source that does not pollute the air. We learn in school that the sun emits ENERGY. Plants soak in the energy from the sun so they may grow. When an animal eat a plant, energy is passed to the animal… and then the energy travels up through the food chain. People also need energy from good so we can use our brains, move around and stay healthy.
The heat energy from the sun powers the water cycle, hurricanes and so much more! Imagine if people around the world used the power from the sun instead of other forms of energy that pollute the environment. There are inventors and engineers who are developing more and more ways to leverage solar power – maybe you will be one of them!
Changing Lives with a Simple Invention
You can make a BIG difference with just a simple idea, a lot of motivation and a caring heart. Illac Diaz invented a solar bottle light that is an affordable option for many people living in poverty and darkness because they don’t have electricity. He is a hero in so many people’s eyes. Families who do not have enough money for electricity use candles for light. However, the flames cause fires. They also need to pay for more candles and matches as the candles melt away. The solar bottle lights cost $1 to make, last for a long time and are very inexpensive to replace.
CLICK HERE to watch a video about Liter of Light. You will see how the simple solar light works and how it gives people light during the day and night.
Illac is a great person to research and feature in your writing. He has an interesting life story and has helped many people with his nonprofit work. Writing about his life and contributions will inspire other kids and adults to think of ways they may help others.
CLICK HERE to learn more about Illac and his non-profit organization, “Liter of Light.”