5 Steps for a STEAM City Kid:
1. Learn about the science of climate and weather.
2. Research the effects that carbon dioxide has on global warming.
3. Conduct climate and weather experiments in school and/or at home.
4. Create your own opinions, ideas and inventions.
5. Write about it with your teacher’s help, and we’ll publish your work!
Submit your own article for our free online April Magazine. It’s all about CLIMATE! CLICK HERE to read the information we posted about weather and climate issues in the news. Then, check out the examples we listed on this web page. You can choose to do a similar writing topic or project – or come up with your own! Work with your teacher and maybe friend at school or small group in class. You may choose a topic that goes along with what you are learning in school.
*Some people ignore scientists around the world. They choose to believe that climate change is not real. Things like this happen because there is a lot of information on the internet. Some of the information is NOT true. Even though there are websites, social media sites and videos that are fiction/opinions, people think it’s real. That’s why it is so important that you help us spread the word about important environmental issues. You are smart and need to find real facts so you can educate other kids and adults.

CLICK HERE to learn about Climate Change from the Environmental Protection Agency. Check out our list of writing and project examples below. As you are reading our list of suggestions, you may come up with an idea on your own.
All climate themed student writing must be submitted on or before FRIDAY, APRIL 21st. (Classwork from 3rd-8th grader in Florida will be accepted. CLICK HERE to read our FAQ if you are in another location or teach a different grade level.)
Informative/Explanatory Writing
Are you interested in writing an article explaining climate change facts? You can write about what will happen if the world continues to get hotter or how we can make changes to help minimize the negative effects of climate change. Maybe you can conduct a weather or climate experiment to prove to people that the effects of climate change are real. If you want to EXPLAIN or INFORM your readers about something you think they should know, we have a few suggestions listed below. You can also come up with your own Informative/Explanatory article!
CLICK HERE to learn more about Xiuhtezcatl Martinez. He is a climate change activist, hip-hop artist and leader of Earth Guardians. Maybe you can find someone else who is also a climate warrior!
CLICK HERE to read the information we posted on our website about climate change.
Check out the follow video from Bill Nye, who is one of the leading climate changes activists. He is an accomplished mechanical engineer and science educator.
CLICK HERE to read an article from the National Geographic magazine about how rising temperatures are effecting the oceans.
CLICK HERE to learn about other negative consequences in the oceans caused by climate change. The information is from the Environmental Defense Fund in New York.
Persuasive Writing
Do you want to convince people that they need to take action to help stop air pollution? Maybe your school is doing an air conservation project, and you want to get students or parents involved. When you are trying to get someone to DO SOMETHING, you are trying to PERSUADE them. We have a few suggestions of persuasive topics below, or maybe you have your own!
CLICK HERE to read an article on the Scholastic online magazine. Research other ways we can make a difference. Then, write a letter to a family member, friend or teacher that you care about so they can help make a change.
Create a video or slideshow to teach people about climate change and encourage them to get involved.
CLICK HERE to read an article on the Scholastic online magazine. Research other ways we can make a difference. Then, write a letter to a family member, friend or teacher that you care about so they can help make a change.
Projects Examples & Ideas
Are you interested in writing an article explaining climate change facts? You can write about what will happen if the world continues to get hotter or how we can make changes to help decrease climate change. Maybe you can conduct a weather or climate experiment that show people that the effects of climate change are real. If you want to EXPLAIN or INFORM your readers about something you think they should know, we have a few suggestions listed below. You can also come up with your own Informative/Explanatory article!
CLICK HERE to search for environmental projects ideas.
Create a video or slideshow to teach people about climate change and encourage them to get involved.
Check out Emily’s 5th grade climate change project that demonstrates greenhouse effects.