Climate Change

Climate scientists around the world have conducted many experiments and collected data based on observable facts. The National Aeronauts and Space Administration, or NASA, has also gathered climate data. (CLICK HERE to check out NASA’s website!) They agree that the average temperature of the earth is rising because of human activities.

Even though 97% of scientists conclude climate change is happening, some people choose to believe climate change is not real. (CLICK HERE to view the #FactsFirst on NASA’s website.) Things like this happen sometimes because there is a lot of information on the internet, and some of the information is not true. There are websites, social media pages and videos on which people write fictional stories or opinions. They are are so convincing that many people think these stories and opinions are facts.

That’s why it is so important to help spread the word about important environmental issues. You are smart. You know better than to just believe whatever you hear or read. If someone told you the sky is purple, would you take their word for it? YOU can make a BIG difference in the world by finding #FactsFirst before educating other kids and adults.

Climate is a hot topic (literally)! The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that pollution from carbon dioxide (CO2) negatively effects our heath as well as the environment. The EPA also informs us that the changes in our climate is one of the greatest challenges we face, and it impacts all of our lives.

How is our world getting warming?

Let’s turn on those science brains to find out what is making temperatures increase in our world. All evidence points to the guilty culprit: Carbon Dioxide (and other Greenhouse Gases). The amount of carbon dioxide gas in our air is increasing.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the same gas that we breathe out, it creates the bubbles in soda and puts out fires when released from fire extinguishers. CO2 is a dense gas. That means all the molecules (or the stuff that makes up CO2) are packed together to create a very thick, tightly packed gas. Our world has an atmosphere that has different layers of gas with different densities.

As our skies are flooded with more and more carbon dioxide, the dense gas traps in more heat from the sun, making our world hotter. Too much carbon dioxide creates a greenhouse effect. That means the thick CO2 gas acts just like a trap that holds onto the heat from the sun.

How is our world getting warming?

It’s nice to visit tropical islands or live in warm climates. However, when temperatures increase too much throughout the world, it causes problems in the environment. We know that heat is a form of energy. With higher temperatures, we experience more heat waves, drought and storms, hurricanes, flooding, and other dangerous weather patterns. There are even more parasitic insects (like ticks and mosquitos) that can spread disease (Lyme disease, West Nile virus, etc.)

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) warns us that rising levels of CO2 create long-lasting changes in our world, including: temperatures getting hotter around the world, rising ocean water, changes in weather and rain patterns, changes in ecosystems and habitats, and negative effects to animals. When the temperature on land and in the ocean gets warmer, people are also suffer consequences. For example, the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America explains how warmer climates affect pollen, mold and poison ivy. CLICK HERE for AAFA’s website, and CLICK HERE to read at report from the National Wildlife Federation and AAFA that explains.

COOL FACT: Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system (even though Mercury is closer to the sun) because it has a thick layer of CO2 that traps in heat from the sun.

You Can Make a Difference at Any Age

You can help change the world at any age. Xiuhtezcatl Martinez has been an environmental activist since he was 6 years old. He travels all over the United States educating people and inspiring kids and adults to take action to help protect the Earth. This young climate warrior is an amazing pubic speaker and a hip hop artist.

President Obama awarded him the United States Community Service Award in 2013, and was the youngest of 24 national change-makers chosen to serve on the President’s youth council. In 2015 he received the Peace First Prize and the Nickelodeon Halo award.

Xiuhtezcatl is the director of Earth Guardians, a group of young activists, artists and musicians around the world working together to create positive changes.
CLICK HERE to read an article from TIME Magazine that explains how these young leaders are suing the federal government to demand increased efforts on climate change.

He and his brother presented a hip-hop preformance for TEDx Youth. Check out it!

Xiuhtezcatl addressed a room full of adults from around the world at the United Nations as he shines a light on climate change. Listen to him speak in the video to the left. Can you see yourself speaking in front of an audience to stand up for your rights?

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