5 Steps to Becoming a STEAM City Kid

1. Learn about how science and engineering help with successful sustainable farming.
2. Research different methods of sustainable farming and its benefits.
3. Conduct experiments by growing plants from seeds and use engineering to design farming solutions at home and/or in school.
4. Create your own opinions, ideas and inventions.
5. Write about it with your teacher’s help, and we’ll publish your work online!

There are many different methods of sustainable farming. The best sustainable farmers use science, technology, math and engineering to keep plants healthy.

Learn about the science of farming. Experiment with seeds, soils, water and sunlight. Maybe you will design a new method of farming! As you research and learn, choose an idea or current event that interests you. Then, write your own article, create a project, design artwork or develop a video about sustainable farming. Work with your teacher in class, and send it to us. Then, we will publish your work online! YOU are smart, creative and you have the power to inspire other kids and even adults!!

You can start learning about sustainable farming by reading the information below on this page and watching the videos. Once you are finished with your research, CLICK HERE to check out our list of writing and project examples. As you are reading our list of suggestions, you may come up with an idea of your own!

All sustainable farming themed student writing must be submitted on or before Friday, February 2nd. (Classwork from 3rd-8th graders in Florida will be accepted. CLICK HERE to read our FAQ if you are in another location or teach a different grade level.)

Vertical Farming

People use engineering and technology to improve sustainable farming. AeroFarms is a sustainable farming company that grows fresh vegetables in New Jersey. Then they sell their vegetables at local grocery stores. Instead of growing food outside in fields, they built vertical towers inside a large building that hold all of the growing plants. We learn that plants need soil to grow. The aeroponic growing system the AeroFarms team created creates healthy plants without soil!

CLICK HERE to learn more about the technology and engineering AeroFarms uses to create sustainable farming.

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