Info for 3rd Grade – 6th Grade Teachers

If you are a teacher (with 3rd-8th grade students) looking for creative ways to motivate your class to research and write, we would LOVE to work with you!

We want to help you make literacy FUN as your students work on articles, projects, artwork and videos in your classroom that will be published online. Everyone is a published author on the website, and a few students from each grade will have their work featured in our digital monthly magazine. We look forward to working with you and sharing your students’ ideas and creations with the world!

We would love to hear stories from you as well! Send us a great project, writing prompt or activity that was a hit in your class (and fits one of our monthly themes). We’ll share it with over 60,000 educators in South Florida. 

We know no two classrooms are alike, and you have your own unique style of teaching. That’s why we keep things flexible so you may decide how to use STEAM City Kids as a resource with your students. You may assign a class writing prompt or a project to go with one or all of our monthly themes (Water/March, Climate/April, Solar/May). Then you may choose only a few pieces or submit work from everyone in class. The online publication could also be used as a incentive to help with classroom management.

Follow these 5 steps if you are interested in making your students part of the STEAM City Kids community:

  1. CLICK HERE to read the FAQ page before you contact us. If you don’t see your question(s) listed, let us know on our Contact Us form, and we will update the FAQ page.

  2. CLICK HERE to fill out our Contact Us form. Then, we send you a welcome email within 24 hours.

  3. Choose an assignment for your class. We have a page of “Topic Suggestions” for each month with information, videos and links to articles that will help your students begin their research about the topic. Or, come up with your own assignment.
    Solar Energy (November)
    Water Conservation (December)
    – Sustainable Farming (February)
    Climate Change (April)

  4. We have 2 free printable PDF documents to help your students keep track of their research and also organize a revised draft before submitting a final copy. CLICK HERE for the page that includes the Research PDF and Revised Draft PDF.

  5. Submit student writing, projects and artwork before the following deadlines:
    Solar Energy  – NOVEMBER 3rd DEADLINE
    Water Conservation – DECEMBER 1st DEADLINE
    – Sustainable Farming – FEBRUARY 2nd DEADLINE
    – Climate Change – APRIL 6th DEADLINE
    (You may enter student work for each month, or just one. If the upcoming month is too soon to add to your lesson plan, you may choose the topic for the next month instead.)

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