
How can you develop an opinion about an issue if you don’t know anything about the topic?

Don’t just believe what someone else tells you or copy another person’s opinion. Do your own research and learn about the issue. When you have enough factual information from credible primary and secondary sources, it’s time to create an opinion.

If you want to be a STEAM City Kid, research is required for ALL 3rd – 6th grade student submissions. We do not accept student articles or projects without at least 1 primary source and 2 secondary sources. CLICK HERE to learn why we promote research and #FactsFirst. Then, help us promote the #FactsFirst movement!

If you know a lot about a subject, kids and adults look up to you because you are a bank of knowledge. That’s why knowledge is so powerful. When you are well informed, you can persuade others to believe in something, teach people how to made a difference and inspire a world to listen to you what you have to say!

RESEARCH TIP – Ask Questions so you have your #FactsFirst!
As you are searching for primary and secondary sources, ask yourself the following questions:
1. Who is the author?
2. What company/organization published this information?
3. Where did they get their facts? (#FactsFirst – Fact check it!)
4. Why was this written? (Was it to inform, entertain or persuade?)
5. When was this written?
6. How does the author FEEL about this issue? (The author’s personal opinions and/or politics may affect the way the article is written. Always keep this in mind while conducting research.)

This video is from the Minnesota Historical Society. Watch this video anytime you are confused about how to label your sources. It gives great examples and describes primary vs. secondary sources PERFECTLY!

This is a recorded speech, so it’s a primary resource. You can add a quote from the 16 year old speaker if you are writing about Global Warming. Even if you are working on a theme for a different month, watch this video. It has an awesome message!

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