Unity School

Founded in 1964, Unity School is a private, independent school located in Delray Beach, Florida. Our school combines academic excellence with fine arts and music education, athletics/physical education and character development. This results in well-rounded students prepared for competitive high school and college environments.  Unity School’s facilities include a gymnasium with theater-sized performance stage and dedicated studios for art, music, and TV production.  Our Lessons-in-Living program truly sets Unity School apart from other schools. It focuses on earth stewardship, community outreach, peace education, and more.  Through its teachings, students develop strong morals, ethics, and values that complement the school’s advanced academic focus.  Our students are taught important life skills that help to fully prepare them as future world citizens.  We currently have an enrollment of approximately 320 students from toddler (2 years old) through eighth grade in three schools: Montessori Preschool, Unity Elementary School & Unity Middle School. CLICK HERE to learn more about Unity School.

Student Articles from Unity School

EDITOR: Linda Glatthorn, 4th Grade Science Teacher

Cruise Ship Water Pollution by Harley & Lucia
How We Can Save Water by Cole
The Importance of Water in Our Body by Maria
Water and Global Warming by Rex and Noah
Water is an Important Resource by Elle, Francesca and Savanah
Water Pollution by Aiden and William
Water Pollution by Francesca
Why We Should Conserve Water by Marie

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