5 Steps for STEAM City Kids:

1. Learn about the science of water and the water cycle.
2. Research information about water pollution in America and around the world.
3. Conduct climate and weather experiments in school and/or at home.
4. Create your own opinions, ideas and inventions.
5. Write about it with your teacher’s help, and we will publish your work!

Submit your own article for our free online March Magazine. It’s all about WATER! CLICK HERE to read the information we posted about water and current water conservation issues in the news. Then, check out the examples we listed on this “Water Conservation Topics” web page. You can choose to do a similar writing topic or project – or come up with your own! Work with your teacher and maybe friend at school or small group in class. You can choose a topic that goes along with what you are learning in school.

*Some people actually ignore all the scientists. The government in Flint did not believe Dr. Mona when she told them lead in the water was causing harm to the children. It is important that you help us get the word out about important environmental issues. You are smart and need to find real facts so you can help educate other kids and adults.

You can start learning about water by reading the information below on this page and watching the videos. Check out our list of writing and project examples. As you are reading our list of suggestions, you may come up with an idea on your own.

All water conservation themed student writing & projects must be submitted on or before Wednesday, March 27th.
Email us with any questions & articles: STEAMCityKids@gmail.com

Informative/Explanatory Writing

Are you interested in writing a story about the water criss in Flint or what’s happening with the Dakota Access Pipeline? Maybe you can conduct an experiment that will help show people how important it is to keep our water clean. If you want to EXPLAIN or INFORM your readers about something you think they should know, we have a few suggestions listed below. You can also come up with your own Informative/Explanatory topic!

You can research what happened to the water in Flint and what community members are government are doing to solve the problem. The following sources will help you get started:
to read information on the STEAM City Kids website about the water in Flint. We have a great video to help explain the situation as well.
CLICK HERE to review an online article posted on TIMEforKids.com.

Video from CNN News:

Video from ABC News:

Dr. Mona discovered there was lead in the drinking water because of the symptoms she noticed in the children she treated at Hurley Children’s Hospital. Government officials chose not to believe her at first, but she did not give up. She is a hero in many people’s eyes. If you are interested in learning more about Dr. Mona and her life, check out the following links. Then, conduct your own research.
to read an article posted on Michigan’s Environmental Council website.
CLICK HERE for a story on the Michigan State University website. It explains how Dr. Mona was added to the 2016 list of the 100 most influential people in the world.

Are you an inventor? The first step toward developing a new invention is learning about the science, engineering and technology involved. Research water and how it turns into a gas, liquid and solid. Understand how the water cycle works. Think about all the ways people use water and where we can find it.

Then, BRAINSTORM to think of different inventions that will help keep our water clean. Maybe you can design a robot or machine that will help with water conservation. Maybe YOU will help solve the world’s water crisis problem. If you have an invention, explain the invention in writing so we can share it with the world. (and of course – you get all the credit!)

The Dakota Access Pipeline is a huge environmental issue in the United States. If you are concerned about the rights of Native Americans and water pollution, then this topic may interest you.
to read an article about the Dakota Access Pipeline on TIMEforKids.com.
CLICK HERE to read letters students wrote to show that they were against the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Persuasive Writing

Do you want to convince people that they need to take action to help save water? Is there a non-profit organization (like Water.org) you support? Maybe your school is doing a water conservation project, and you want to get students or parents involved. When you are trying to get someone to DO SOMETHING, you are trying to PERSUADE them. We have a few suggestions of persuasive topics below, or maybe you have your own!

CLICK HERE to read the information we posed on our website about Water.org.
CLICK HERE to visit Water.org. There is a lot of information on the website about how many people do not have clean water. There are also ways that people can help.
Watch the video below from Water.org. It describes the organization’s mission. Some organizations use someone famous to help get the word out to people. Ask your parents about Matt Damon (He’s the guy wearing the hat in the video!)


CLICK HERE to read about the Dakota Access Pipeline. People protested the pipeline by camping outside, running, making videos, signing petitions and writing letters. Writing persuasive letters is one way to get your message to someone. CLICK HERE to read letters students wrote to show that they were against the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Do you feel strong about an water conservation issue and want to change someone’s mind? Maybe you and your classmates can write a letter to a local or state government official. Send us a copy of the letter so you can inspire others to write letters in support of your water conservation cause as well.

CLICK HERE to check out the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s website. It lists things we can all do at home to help save water.

Projects Examples & Ideas

It’s CRAZY how many classroom projects and inventions you can create with a water theme. If you enjoy making things and hands-on activities, a water conservation project may be a perfect fit for you. Remember to use the Scientific Method before, during and after your activity.  Your science or STEM teacher can help you follow the steps in the scientific method. After you finish your project, write about your results and what you learned so you can teach other kids and adults! You can take pictures or even videos of your work. We have a few project ideas below that are all about water. You may also find other experiments online or even come up with your own!

CLICK HERE to learn about erosion on ScienceforKidsClub.com.
Oliva completed a soil erosion project for her 3rd grade science fair. Check out her results in her video below. Maybe you can do a similar experiment. Then, write about what you learned so you can teach other people how to prevent erosion.

This project must have taken a long time. It gives us some ideas about things we can do.

Wow, this project took a long time to create. It sure does help to give us some ideas about how to use plastic tubes to transport water.


CLICK HERE to watch a video from Ana Humphrey who lives in Alexandria, Virginia. Humphrey has developed a calculator, called the “Wetlands Are Needed for Bacteria Removal Calculator” (nicknamed WANBRC). This calculator helps to figure out how much wetland is needed to keep waterways clean to prevent harmful bacteria that is spread through water after a natural disaster. Check it out! If you like math, this may inspire you to create your own math invention!

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