5 Steps to Become a STEAM City Kid
1. Learn about the science of solar energy and the field of engineering.
2. Research new solar powered inventions and solar energy companies that are creating jobs.
3. Conduct solar power experiments and engineering projects at home and/or in school.
4. Create your own opinions, ideas and inventions.
5. Write about it with your teacher’s help, and we’ll publish your work online!
Our theme for May is all about SOLAR ENERGY! CLICK HERE to read the information we posted about solar energy. Then, check out the examples we listed on this page. You can choose a similar writing topic or project – or come up with your own! Work with your teacher and maybe a friend or small group in class. You may even choose a topic that goes along with what you are learning in school.
There are many people who don’t know all the amazing ways innovators are using solar energy. It’s important that you help us get the word out about the benefits of solar power. You have the power to educate other kids and adults and inspire them with your words!

Informative/Explanatory Writing
Are you interested in telling people how solar energy works, how solar power plants create jobs or sharing story about someone who started an awesome solar company? Maybe you can build your own solar oven and then explain how you did it so another student may try the same experiment. If you want to EXPLAIN or INFORM your readers about something you think they should know, we have a few suggestions listed below. You can also come up with your own Informative/Explanatory writing topic!
CLICK HERE to learn 6 interesting facts about solar power from an article on the United States Department of Energy website.
The video below will kick off your research as you learn more about Liter of Light, a non-profit company helping people in the Philippines.
CLICK HERE to read an article from Science Daily that summarizes a paper from the University of Warwick. The paper explains how solar panels could be made more affordable by using tin instead of lead.
Persuasive Writing
Do you want to convince people that they need to take action to help support solar power projects? Is there a non-profit organization (like LiterOfLight.org) you support? Maybe your class or entire school is doing a solar project, and you want to get more students or parents involved. When you are trying to get someone to DO SOMETHING, you want to PERSUADE them. We have a few suggestions of persuasive topics below, or maybe you have your own!
CLICK HERE to learn about different ways to use solar energy.
CLICK HERE to learn about the difference between our current way of producing electricity and solar electricity.
Projects Examples & Ideas
There are so many classroom projects and inventions you can create using the power of the sun. If you enjoy making things and hands-on activities, a solar project may be a perfect fit for you. Remember to use the Scientific Method before, during and after your activity. Your science or STEM teacher will help with you the steps in the scientific method. After you finish your project, write about your results and what you learned so you may teach other kids and adults! You can take pictures or even videos of your work. We have a few project ideas below that use solar power listed below. You may also find other experiments online or even come up with your own.
CLICK HERE to watch a video that demonstrates how to build a solar powered car. May may need to ask a parent or teacher for help with the tools.
CLICK HERE solar power project ideas.